A downloadable game for Windows


RETROKILL is a demake of ULTRAKILL. I have no affiliation with ULTRAKILL and this is an unofficial fan project that is available for free.

> Fixed rare crash caused by an enemy in M-2
> Prelude is complete - as for main content, RETROKILL is now complete
> Cerberus enemy added
> Added "IN-GAME" option for Style Meter
> 0-5 Complete
> Bugs fixed in 0-2 and 0-3
> Level advancement fully implemented (a new save file will have only 0-1 unlocked, and only a pistol)
> Fullscreen problem has been fixed - press f12 to toggle fullscreen
> you can now play as [REDACTED]
> Fixed game breaking bug when loading game with the IN-GAME UI
> You no longer have the ability to spawn boulders on command :(
> Updated Gore to include giblets
> Added Schism Enemy
> Level 0-3 Complete
> Level 0-4 Complete
> Added Cheats in the options menu
> Some slight adjustment to enemy sprites (filth/maurice)
> Fixed Bug in M-2
> Made M-1 and M-2 Slightly easier to find
> Level 0-2 Complete
> Level M-2 Complete
> New V1 Sprites and Weapons - thanks to RadioWoman!
> Level Select Screen more Detailed
> Challenges for 0-1/0-2
> 4 New Enemies from ULTRAKILL
> New Weapon
> Pistol and Shotgun Green alts
> Saving/Loading inventory and level ranks
> Input mapping
> Psuedo controller support (its not great yet...)
> New Original boss
> Funny little guy added
> Minor visual and gameplay tweaks
> Fixed Menu Bug 
> Debug Room visuals updated
> Character Visuals Updated 
> Minor visual and gameplay tweaks
> You can now pause the game at any time
> Performance in M-1 has been fixed
> More options in settings, which save upon reopening
> M-1 Cutscene can be skipped
> M-1 can now be accessed through level 0-1
> Minor visual and gameplay tweaks


(a lot of these get asked by 10 times every devlog so this saves me writing answers 18 billion times)

How Do I Get to the special levels?

Each special level can be accessed by its corresponding level, ie. M-1 can be accessed via 0-1, M-2 can be accessed via 0-2, etc. The exits to the special level are hidden somewhere in the standard level - Look for anything that seems out of the ordinary and you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it.

Once you unlock a special level, you can access it from the level select screen.

 (you could also use the cheats page in the options menu to unlock the levels )

(or you could also hack your save file to unlock the level....)

Can you port this game to Mac/Linux/Android?

For Mac and Linux, I believe I'm required to have a Mac or Linux machine in order to make a build, which I do not have. I'll look into ways around this, so a Mac and Linux build may be possible in the future. As for Android, I have no intention of making a port to that platform. 

Is this a virus? It's showing up as a virus on my PC?

No, it's a game. If you still think it's a virus even though there's videos of the dev process on YouTube then I guess don't download it. Most itch.io games are flagged by antivirus.

How was this game made / what was this made in?

The game was programmed in GameMaker Studio 2, with the art being made in the in-engine editor. Music was created in BeepBox (ost tracks), and FL Studio (non ost tracks).

What will the finished game be like?

As of Ver 1.0, the essential content for the game has been completed (all of Prelude, ie. the first 5 levels of ULTRAKILL).  It was always the plan to only recreate Prelude, as recreating the entire game or an act would be too time consuming and not all that fun, especially since this is a non-monetized fangame. Also, the original Prelude is available for free in the ULTRAKILL Demo, whilst future acts are not, so I decided to stick with just Prelude (so I don't get sued).

I do not plan on making any more levels from ULTRAKILL but may add more content in future updates (0-S, Cybergrind and possibly M-3). These extra updates may include new enemies and weapons.

Do I have to pay money (in the real world) to play this game???

NO. This is a fangame and if I charged money for it I'd get ultrakilled.

What are you going to do after this?

Make my own game. I've had a few ideas for a while and think I'm almost ready for a full fledged game. I'll also start making devlogs and other videos on youtube, so if you'd like to stick around for that, or just support me, subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_RxqOgu0dYMfhEjPc_3g2A

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
GenrePlatformer, Action, Shooter
TagsDemake, Difficult, GameMaker, Retro, Side Scroller


RETROKILL 1.01.zip 151 MB
RETROKILL 1.01.exe 164 MB
RETROKILL 1.0 (OLD).exe 164 MB
RETROKILL 1.0.zip (OLD) 151 MB
RETROKILL-0.31.exe (OLD) 159 MB
RETROKILL-0.3.zip (OLD) 146 MB
RETROKILL 0.22.zip (OLD) 146 MB
RETROKILL 0.21.zip (OLD) 146 MB
RETROKILL 0.2.zip (OLD) 146 MB

Install instructions

Download EITHER the .zip or .exe

Older versions are marked as (OLD), the newest version should be at the top.

Older versions are made available to document the progress of the project over time.


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i like

This game is pretty good, my only problem is that there's no controller support. I get too confused trying to use my keyboard for anything other than typing, so using the controller scheme from the base game would be really good.

(1 edit)

The .exe file is flagged in three ways by VirusTotal:

Bkav Pro - W32.AIDetectMalware

Jiangmin - Trojan.Agent.efgm

Trapmine - Suspicious.low.ml.score


The .zip, on the other hand, is perfectly fine!

is the game set on brutal diffculty on default

i do not remember sword machine having that much damage

i cant play the game, my mouse keeps dissapearing so im always stuck on the title screen, bad experience

Plase make an android version

(1 edit) (+1)

I actually played this on an ACTUAL arcade machine,Nice fan game lol (10/10) 


insanely cool wowzas, was it fun?

i wold pay my money to play on that shit


somehow was 0 health lololol


me to

i get a warning saying it can harm my PC

ignore it i did that too and i got the gam

needs difficulty slider im bad at the game or better cheats like infinite health


get gud

linux port?

could you either get this working on browser or chromebook pls

Hey guys I like this game really but i've got an issue...

if i kill the swordsmachiene in 0-2 is the challenge not completed.  is there an other secret boss or is that a code problem


is it possible to get this running on a browser?

hello, i would like to resprite and continue this project. is it possible for you to give me the .yyp file?

Deleted post
(1 edit)

my screen went green and made a buzzing sound for a second before my pc restarted without warning

10/10 demake very well made
(ps. there is a stray black pixel on the left side of the itch page of  this game)

turret knight is basically impossible because parrying doesnt regen health like base game.. his attacks literally disintegrate your hp and it takes the force of 10 suns to heal one hp from him so you're just stuck with 12 hp and die

im begging you make parrying regen health for my sanity


looks like brain rot pvz mods have given people skill isues

(1 edit)

i'm literally an ultrakill pro dawg, stfu. i played that mod ONCE!!
100% ultrakill for me rq and install grammarly THEN we'll talk

lemme add on a bit more.. EVERY boss is like this. they do too much damage, and healing is SO much harder. doing cerberus fist-only in ultrakill is 10x easier than doing cerberus in this game with the full loadout.


Seriously, they are not that hard.

(1 edit)

you tried getting good?
(deleted image because i did ass)

okay in hindsight that time and style was ass im not letting that slide

stuck on the menu screen, can't press any of the buttons, are you supposed to use mouse bc it aint workin


This is a bug with controller input, Mouse cursor won't appear if you have any controllers plugged in, so make sure to unplug any controllers while on the menu. 


Doesn't let me open the game anymore.

(2 edits)

EDIT: the new version 0.31 fixes this issue and is available above.

I'll work on fixing this for next patch, if you want to fix this now you could go to localappdata find RETROKILL folder and delete the options file - that should fix this issue. 

pizza tower error referense

There is a little thing that i see in 0-1 but i can't enter it :(

how do you get to m-1 and m-2 i dont get it

Imagine if you could play the full game if you insert the .exe into the game to prove that you own the full game

i think my game files corrupted

holy shit


sonic.exe ass place



I need help, every time i try to open the game the window appears to be too small, and I'm unable to open the settings or hit the play button. I have tried installing the game both through ZIP and EXE but the result is the same. How can i fix this?

Id try ALT+ENTER to try change the screen size, otherwise I'll work on fixing this for next release!

same issue but cant select anything

As of the most recent update (1.0) this problem should be fixed. You can toggle fullscreen with F12, or just change the screen size manually.

As of the most recent update (1.0) this problem should be fixed. You can toggle fullscreen with F12, or just change the screen size manually.

The game is good but the Turret Knight is really hard especially to new players and i play the original game and beated every level and it was more easy to complete that the Turret Knight

Good concept bad executation

Deleted post

i beat the game multiple times, p-ranked prelude and act 1, p-ranked P-1, and i still got my ass handed to by turret knight

i think i have skill issue

you do


Can you make a mobile version? ;)

no, go fuck yourself and buy a computer


give us the right to use the nailgun

Why virustotal and windows security system says that there's a some trojan virus?

(2 edits)

2 out of 62 anti-viruses think it's a virus.

Pretty sure that's a false positive.

Alright, thanks!

give linux build

just use wine, dawg
works perfectly fine for me

i like this death screen :^)

windows says its a virus


they dont have a certified applacation license so it says it MAY harm your computer, 2 antiviruses say its a trojan but its a false alarm, just ignore it.


It's a shame this was made in a different game engine, as a port to Ultrakill (as a secret level) would've been so cool!

i like the death screen :D

error following instructions, it says its more MB to download RETROKILL than RETROKILL

I have an error because of which v1 goes to the right side only

good :3

good :^)


This is a really fun take on Ultrakill, and I love the BGM! Movement is difficult and the range for getting blood is a little small, but it's looking good so far!

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